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The BNI® Foundation

35 Reasons to Give


Last year was the 20th anniversary of the BNI® Foundation, but as you would expect from an organization that embraces “Givers Gain®”, BNI chapters have been supporting their local communities from day one. In truth, that is what happens when business owners come together and use the Core Values of BNI to help each other grow their businesses – they want to help others too! 

To celebrate 35 years of BNI we are excited to announce that Dr. Ivan and Beth Misner have generously made us an offer we cannot refuse. They will match every donation of $35 made via the BNI Foundation’s website between 8th January 2020 and the end of International Networking Week 2020 with their own $35 donation up to a total of $10,000. What better way can there be to start the year? 

To participate, please visit our donation page and enter $35 in the amount box and complete the form. This gives us a great chance to kick of the new year with a realistic and generous goal of raising $20,000. These funds will then be used to repair or rebuild a school in a place where our help is most needed – in line with our mission of supporting Children and Education around the world.

But that is not all… The Foundation Board has set another ambitious goal: In addition to the 9 countries in which we already have a formal BNI Foundation presence (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, UK, USA) we are aiming higher than ever and aiming to launch in at least another 35 countries by the end of 2020. 

By launch we mean one of two things:

1) The formation of a legal entity BNI Foundation, duly constituted and registered under the laws of that country.
2) The establishment of a Business Voices program represented by a specific “go to person” appointed in cooperation with the respective National Office.

Business Voices is integral to the foundation, giving chapters a perfect opportunity to work actively with local schools and other organizations. They do this by teaching children and young people basic business and networking skills, thereby ensuring that they are better prepared for the adult world. Business Voices is a global social movement and if this interests you, and you would like to know more, please write to us at info@BNIFoundation.org, David Kauffman at Davidk@bnifoundation.org or myself, Kevin Barber (kevin@bni.com) directly. 

Here’s to lots of 35s – $35, 35 new countries and the next 35 years of Changing the Way the World Does Business! Thank you and a Happy New Year.

Your BNI Foundation

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