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4 Tips to Get More Referrals from Your Network


Are you struggling getting referrals from other members of your networking group? Do you regularly have One-to-Ones, pass referrals to others, but still see little to nothing in return?

The key too effectively get referrals from others in your network is developing the right kinds of relationships. Are you trying to close a sale, or are you trying to train a salesforce?

To receive more referrals from your network, you are looking to train a salesforce. This means focusing on teaching the benefits of your products/service to those in your network, and helping them understand the why behind what you do.

How do you educate a network? Check out these tips to help you share with your networking groups the full story behind your business.

  1. Specific is terrific. The more specific you can be with your network not only about what a great referral for you is, but what products and services you exactly offer, can help you develop relationships beyond just closing a sale.
  2. Share the Lowest Common Denominators of your business as a starting point. Break your business into bite sized pieces that your network can easily absorb and remember. This will help them internalize what you do and help refer you to someone they know.
  3. Share stories of an exchange with a client that went exactly the way you’d want it to. By telling your network about your ideal business exchange, or about experiences with clients that went well, you can condition your connections to look for possible opportunities that fit this mold.
  4. Provide your network with collateral regarding your business. If you have catalogues, flyers, or other pieces that can help your network share your products and services with people in their lives, be sure to provide these materials to them. It will help them refer you if they can feel comfortable with everything they need.

What are your tips for helping people in your network get to know your business and act as a sales person for you? Join the conversation on Facebook!

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