Networking Tips

What Makes a Good Testimonial?

Submitted by Michelle Gray, BNI Vermont Ambassador

A testimonial is a “written declaration certifying to a person’s character, qualifications or excellence; a letter or written statement of recommendation.”  I think we all can agree that written testimonials influence our actions and choices that we make.  When I am in a new city and I am looking for a restaurant to check out, I go on Yelp to see what other folks have said about the service and the food prior to making a plan.

If I have close personal contacts who have provided testimonials for a local business, I hold their experiences and feedback at a much higher level than an individual I do not know personally.  Before people want to purchase your product or service, they may want the comfort of knowing what others have said about you.

Testimonials can help us increase our business because they provide more credibility than a marketing message.  In many cases a testimonial can clinch a job for you.  That is a lot of weight riding on someone else’s words of you and your services.  A written testimonial on professional letterhead from one business to another is powerful, especially if that business is highly respected in the community.

Where can you place these testimonials to help promote your fellow BNI members?

  1. BNI Connect to start.
  2. Linkedin
  3. Yelp
  4. Facebook
  5. Google
  6. Angie’s List

When your chapter has the next featured speaker, how great would it be to have another member of your chapter provide a testimonial on BNI Connect that same week and read it to the group.  Go one step further and ask them if there is a social media site or on-line website that they would like you to post that same testimonial.

Be specific.  Speaking in generalities does no good.  The more specific we all can be, the more memorable it will be.



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