Trusted by thousands of business owners
Referrals Passed by Members$381.4M+
Business GeneratedMy BNI meetings are my weekly caffeine!
Lynne DamianosDamianos Photography
BNI is the largest and most successful business networking organization in the world, helping entrepreneurs from 79 countries scale their business. Now you can be a part of it.
Disclaimer: This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data as of August 5, 2024, and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide over the last 12 months. Errors in self-reporting of data or in subsequent analysis are possible. Therefore, the information herein should only be viewed as representative in nature.
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3 Steps to Success
Get invited to a BNI networking meeting and witness the power of referrals in action.
Get InvitedThe regular meetings lead to new, interesting business relationships, which you can cultivate together.
Benno Probst ,
I benefit from many exciting assignments, great contacts and also larger ongoing projects.
Johanna Unternährer ,
The discussions, the support and the positive attitude help me every day in my professional and private life.
Sabrina Gisclon ,
Sports and nutrition coach
68% of my business is due to contacts made through BNI.
Emmanuelle Ossola ,
Sales training & coaching
BNI has been a great help in developing my public speaking skills.
Julien Erard ,
Car dealer
The members are genuine, which fosters solid and lasting professional relationships.
Sébastien Voisard ,
I've almost doubled my turnover thanks to the referrals I've received from members of the network.
Florian Bourqui ,
IT Consulting