Confiado por Milhares de Proprietários de Negócios
Referências passadas$379.8M+
Negócios geradosMy BNI meetings are my weekly caffeine!
Lynne DamianosDamianos Photography
BNI é a maior e mais bem-sucedida organização de networking empresarial do mundo, ajudando empreendedores de 76 países a expandirem seus negócios. Agora você pode fazer parte disso.
Disclaimer: This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data as of August 5, 2024, and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide over the last 12 months. Errors in self-reporting of data or in subsequent analysis are possible. Therefore, the information herein should only be viewed as representative in nature.
3 Passos para o Sucesso
Seja convidado para uma reunião de networking do BNI e testemunhe o poder das referências em ação.
Seja ConvidadoJoining BNI Crossroads has been transformational for our business, leading to immense growth in both sales and new clients. We have seen double-digit growth every year and, despite the pandemic, have grown four-fold since I joined BNI back in 2018.
Paul Richardson ,
StoryWorkz (Photography/Videography)
We have a Givers Gain® mentality that helps each BNI Member. If you are willing to help and gain trust, eventually they will help you.
Scott Ingles ,
Alphagraphics Layton
BNI has helped me network with many business professionals all across the U.S., which is where I have found the most value.
Eric Williams Jr. ,
The Solar Soldier/Powur
Within the first 3 months of being a BNI Member, the referrals I received paid for my annual membership fee. For the past 11 months I have received almost $8,000 in business from this amazing team.
Tammy Samuel ,
Shine Bright Chem Dry
BNI is a great way to have a broad network of trusted service providers that I can recommend to my customers when they have a need.
Ken Moldenhauer ,
CertaPro Painters
BNI's "Givers Gain" Philosophy Transformed My Professional and Personal Life
Crystal Garcia ,
Business Development